Project Street Dog runs a vital rescue program with its small, but dedicated team for injured, ill, abandoned or ownerless street animals in Iquitos. Emergencies range from extreme cruelty cases, to distemper, Ehrlichia, burn/cut wounds and we very often come to the aid of animals hit by vehicles. We give the animals the care and treatment they desperately need.
Aside from educational programs and promoting responsible pet ownership to end unnecessary suffering and cruelty, spay and neuter campaigns are essential. The mating season for street animals often ends in the death of the off-springs due to the lack of food, or traffic accidents. Street dogs roam around in search for scraps and due to malnutrition the mother and pups are prone to diseases and eventually fully succumb to them. Pet owners often dispose fresh litters in garbage cans, or simply leave them by the side of the road. Spay and neuter stops this tragedy. Project Street Dog offers free sterilization surgeries to pet owners with financial constrains. Over the past few years we have run several spay/neuter campaigns with great turn out.
We bring street campaigns to low-income neighborhoods in remote areas, where pet owners don’t have the financial means to care for their pets. Due to their geographical location they are unable to provide adequate veterinary care for their ailing animals. We offer free vaccination and anti-parasitic treatments and when needed, we transport the animals to the clinic we closely work with in the city and cover all treatment related costs.
We bring educational programs and art activities to all the neighborhoods we run our campaigns in. We have often seen children abusing animals and when asked them about their behavior, we were told that they had seen it form their parents. It is of utmost importance that we teach communities the idea of compassion. We also educate about responsible pet ownership that includes vaccination, not abandoning pets when they become ill. We also provide free collars and leashes to the community. The impact of our work so far has been incredible as more and more children are volunteering and coming to the aid of animals in distress. Creating a vibrant, compassionate community is at the forefront of our mission. We are also working on the creation of a foster family network of people who are willing to open their homes to rescued animals in recovery, while they are waiting to be adopted. These foster families will become powerful advocates for responsible pet ownership, allowing for eventual changes in current attitudes toward street animals and pet welfare.